
Back to the city

Back to the city

Sydney at dusk
Sydney from Sydney Park
City built over the Botanic Gardens
Singapore being built over the Botanic Gardens

Leo Hollis thinks that living in cities can make us more intelligent, creative and even happier (Cities Are Good for You: The Genius of the Metropolis). A survey of how many people walk up or down escalators in the BA flight magazine (Nick Curtis, Highlife) suggests Bangkok (only 10%) is a lot less rushed than London (everyone walks), but more rushed than Rio (“Everyone stands. People love to watch the world go by”). I recall about 20 years ago stopping Wyn in Swanson Street, Melbourne and asking if she noticed any difference to Sydney – people were moving much more slowly. I was one of the worst culprits, but now I wake to a forest through the large glass sliding doors in the bedroom.

City built under my window
Singapore being built under my window



Hotel pool cranes
Hotel pool, cranes and a big digger appearing and disappearing

Cities are vibrant and creative, there is competition, nervous energy, opportunities and infrastructure to help creativity, but there are many drawback now they have become so big and alienated from natural processes.

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