
World Wildlife Day, Saturday 3rd of March

World Wildlife Day, Saturday 3rd of March

Pied Cormorant, Nambucca River, March 3

‘This is a global celebration of all the wonderful wild animals and plants found on Earth. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the dangers that threaten the survival of many animals around the world.’ Source 

I know – there are too many national or international awareness days. Two days ago it was World Civil Defence Day and Self Harm Awareness day. In a week’s time it will be International Women’s Day, which will be widely celebrated – but what about today – World Wildlife Day?

Pied Cormorant, Nambucca River, March 3

The news sources I have browsed make no mention – nothing in the Australian or Sydney Morning Herald, The ABC online, or early editions of BBC News, The Guardian, Independent, the Irish Times, New York Times, The Times of India.

The Living Planet assessment (Oct 216) by the Zoological Society of London and WWF reported a fall in global wildlife populations of almost 60% since 1970 – 1970!!!!!! It suggests the decline could reach two-thirds among vertebrates by 2020. This should be headline screaming news.

Black Swans, Nambucca River, March 3

And what of our closest relatives, our cousins, the primates? Three weeks ago Anthony Rylands, primate conservation director for Global Wildlife Conservation reported that of the 700 or so primate species and subspecies across the world, over 60% are threatened with extinction. We can do something, just by giving money to worthwhile charities – simple.

White-faced heron, Nambucca River, March 3

There are many doing good work, with various aims and strategies.

Birdlife Australia – ‘Act for Birds: we’re calling for stronger nature laws to protect the birds we love.’

The Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF): ‘We love our forests, reefs and rivers. Will you join us today?’

Orangutans – which I am lucky to have seen on two visits to Borneo. The IUNC has classified the Bornean orangutan as Endangered and the Sumatran orangutan as Critically Endangered. Both species are in severe decline. This means that without drastic intervention, orangutans may soon be extinct as biologically viable populations in the wild. ‘The Orangutan Foundation International Australia’s mission is to support and continue the orangutan and forest conservation efforts.’

Greenpeace ‘Our mission: Greenpeace is the leading independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.’

Little Tern, Nambucca River, March 3

The Little Tern (Sterna albifrons) is listed as Endangered (Schedule 1, Part 1) in New South Wales under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (TSC Act).

Luderick, Nambucca River, March 3

And here is a view across the rivers (Warrell Creek and Nambucca River) of Mount Yarrahapinni  a significant place for both the Dunghutti and Gumbaynggirr. It is where I have heard the best Lyrebird singing.

Mount Yarrahapinni, March 3
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