
Tennis at Nambucca with the Flying Foxes

Tennis at Nambucca with the Flying Foxes

Full moon setting from Blue PolesA beaut of a morning for tennis, full moon sinking, birds still vocal after the rain a couple of days ago.

Fruit bats by tennis courts
Grey Headed Flying Foxes beside the tennis courts

I was talking to a Gumbaynggirr elder who said that as a kid, Flying Foxes were his favourite meal. He doesn’t eat them any more. Mainly because of Australian Bat Lyssavirus (ABL) which can only be caught from untreated bites or scratches from infected bats. Two people have died from ABL caught from a flying-fox (and one from a micro-bat). There is bat poop all over the synthetic court, we are careful not to indulge during a dive at the net.

Fruit bats flying by tennis courts
The Flying Foxes do destroy the trees they roost in.

Flying foxes are more biologically similar to humans than the microbats. They use their eyes not echolocation and excellent night vision. Night spotting in Jagun uncovers a host of Flying Foxes feeding off the Bloodwood blossom. They are important pollinators and seed dispersers. They can move fruit over large distances, maintaining genetic diversity amongst remnant patches of forests. However, all flying fox populations are declining at an worrying rate, due to land clearance and culling.

Nambucca by tennis courts
Afterwards we go for a swim 100 metres away and cool off.
Nambucca by tennis courts_1
Nambucca River by the tennis courts






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