
Roos are back, local bower, Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog

Roos are back, local bower, Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog

We have been back two months and today is the first day we have seen the roos in the garden and Jagun. Instead, the Swamp Wallabies have been raiding our garden at night.

Roos are back
Roos are back 30th Sept
Roos are back
Roos are back 30th Sept

The local Satin Bowerbird, raids a neighbour’s compost for onion skins, and dead Lamandra leaves for the yellow component to his bower.

local Satin Bowerbird's bower
local Satin Bowerbird’s bower, yellow and blue

The bird steals onion skins from the compost and removes dead lamandra leaves for the ground of the bower.

See projects for my Bowerbird experiment at Bundanon. Video also.

Dwarf green tree frog on fern
Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog, you hear them but hardly ever see them


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