
Pride of Lions, Collective nouns

Pride of Lions, Collective nouns

In 1486 The Book of Saint Albans, which focused on hunting included a list of 165 collective names, many human and comedic, e.g. a fightyng of beggers, a gagle of women.

Some we use like a Pride of Lions, others seem wildly inappropriate, Herd of wrens?  Wisdom of wombats, which in any case are solitary creatures. Old favourites include, Flush of fungi, Charm of finches, Company of parrots, Parliament of owls, and an Exultation of Skylarks.

But what of gulls? Wreck of Seabirds doesn’t do it for me – how about a Squall of gulls, and a Skitter of wrens?

A squall of seagulls
A squall of seagulls


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