
A walk to Oyster Lagoon

A walk to Oyster Lagoon

  Sat Feb 13

02 13_Wedgetail Eagle_Jagun
At best guess this Wedgetail Eagle is about 4 or 5 years old, almost adult with another 15 years to look forward to, with luck. A kookaburra bombs it and it leaps away.

Just metres inside the forest, a female Satin Bowerbird’s persistent alarm call alerts us, and there he was, a magnificent Wedgetail Eagle, first one seen in Jagun. It’s one of the largest eagles in the world.

Wedgetail flying
Wedgetail flying

How it manoeuvred its six foot wingspan through the trees I have no idea.

jagun track There’s so much to see, from the forest floor to the canopy.

Blossom, Pink Bloodwood
Blossom, Pink Bloodwood
Flower, Pink Bloodwood
Flower, Pink Bloodwood

Grey Gum bark Leaflight, Jagun

Half way to the end we hear a Satin Bowerbird running through his repertoire, more machine than bird, for five minutes we wait trying see it in the thick scrub, other birds are joining in liberating music. Strange how parts of the forest are planting silence and others springing up with song.


The walk enters sandier country where banksias proliferate.

Coastal Banksia, Jagun
Coastal Banksia, Jagun

The lagoon is thin-waisted, those heavy rains may have breached the sand bar.
Oyster Creek with floating light Oyster Creek, rail bridge

An Azure Kingfisher lands on a dead Banksia tumbled off the bank in front of me, flies away before I can fiddle my camera on.

Jagun end of the track
Jagun, end of the track

Oyster Lagoon Oyster Lagoon1

Camera off for our skinny dip, the sea warm (25.4, air temp 27 – perfect), the breakers bracing, yanking us around like kids.

Boatshed Beach, Numbucca in view

A perfect day without the zoo or movies. These hours are not found on a mobile’s calendar stringing existence together.

I photograph simple patterns the sea has inscribed on the beach, nomadic sandlines and runnels, pecks and furrows, simple delight.
Sand patterns Sand patterns1

Kelp sculptureThe world feels inclusive when one gives it just attention. I ask myself, why am I taking photographs and come up with an answer – to share. Art is not just about ‘making special’, but wanting to share one’s perception/vision/techne. It is performative, constructive/ deconstructive, but also communicative (even if you are the only audience).
Only cloud hugging Nuungu Mirral

A solitary cloud hugs sacred Nunguu Mirral tight. The Gumbaynggirr Male initiation site holds the surrounding landscape in its thrall, seeming distant despite the name Jagun. The sky is only limited by the luxury of blue.
Offerings to our aesthetic sensibility

The altar to aesthetics changes all the time, though I have only ever once witnessed an offering made by small child in her mother’s arms. This provides evidence for my argument natural-aesthetic-natural.

Blue and red bench, Humpies
Blue and red bench, Humpies

At Humpies, a deafening whistle from a Grey Shrike Thrush right above. The roos bounce ahead.
Roos on firetrailBlue Poles with tree down

We take a short cut through our garden, a frog jumps out of the way of the camera and a Red-necked Wallaby takes off.

Bird list

Olive-backed Oriole
Olive-backed Oriole

Bar-shouldered Dove Geopelia humeralis

Fan-tailed Cuckoo      Cacomantis flabelliformis

Wedge-tailed Eagle    Aquila audax

Azure Kingfisher        Ceyx azureus

Silver Gull       Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae

Scaly-breasted Lorikeet         Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus

Satin Bowerbird          Ptilonorhynchus violaceus

Superb Fairywren       Malurus cyaneus

Lewin’s Honeyeater    Meliphaga lewinii

Yellow-faced Honeyeater      Caligavis chrysops

White-cheeked Honeyeater  Phylidonyris niger

Noisy Miner    Manorina melanocephala

Little Wattlebird          Anthochaera chrysoptera

Little Friarbird Philemon citreogularis

White-browed Scrubwren      Sericornis frontalis

Brown Thornbill          Acanthiza pusilla

Barred Cuckooshrike Coracina lineata

Grey Shrike-thrush    Colluricincla harmonica

Eastern Whipbird        Psophodes olivaceus

Pied Butcherbird        Cracticus nigrogularis

Grey Fantail     Rhipidura albiscapa

Eastern Yellow Robin Eopsaltria australis

Red-browed Finch     Neochmia temporalis

Welcome Swallow       Hirundo neoxena

Olive-backed Oriole   Oriolus sagittatus

24 species

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