
Leading the Bello Birders, 19 March

Wyn and I led birders around Valla Beach on Sunday morning

We split into two groups to explore Jagun Nature Reserve. The forest highlight for one group was a Collared Sparrowhawk, for the other, a female Cicadabird.

A raucous juvenile male Satin Bowerbird, soon to turn a shimmering black

After morning tea at South Valla, where the Saturday Valla Markets are held, we crossed the bridge and explored the Eastern ridge of Miilba (Deep Creek)- with wonderful views of Mistletoe Birds. We crossed back and followed the river upstream.

Buff-banded Rail up in the bush pecking the Morning Glory

The tide was still too high for waders on the mudflats, but it was lovely to watch the Galahs and Lorikeets pop in and out of their nest holes.

Luckily, the fresh sea breeze kept the morning comfortable. Thanks to everyone for making it fun and interesting birding.  Total 58 species.

Collared Sparrowhawk
Pacific Black Duck
Little Pied Cormorant
White-faced Heron
Silver Gull
Crested Tern
Australian White Ibis
Buff-banded Rail (Thanks to Ellany Whelan’s persistence)
Great Egret
Masked Lapwing
White-headed Pigeon
Wonga Pigeon
Topknot Pigeon
Bar-shouldered Dove
Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo
Glossy Black Cockatoo
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Australian King-Parrot
Rainbow Lorikeet
Scaly Lorikeet
Eastern Rosella
Fan-tailed Cuckoo
Azure Kingfisher
Laughing Kookaburra
White-throated Treecreeper
Superb Fairy-wren
Striated Pardalote
White-browed Scrubwren
Brown Gerygone
Yellow Thornbill
Lewin’s Honeyeater
White-Cheeked Honeyeater
Scarlet Honeyeater
Eastern Yellow Robin
Australian Logrunner
Eastern Whipbird
White-throated Treecreeper
Little Wattlebird
Noisy Friarbird
Golden Whistler
Grey Shrike-thrush
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
Pied Butcherbird
Grey Butcherbird
Grey Fantail
Australian Magpie
Pied Currawong
Torresian Crow
Satin Bowerbird
Welcome Swallow
Common Myna.

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