
Birthday poem, 23 Jan 

A rainbow stretching across the western mountains. What more could I want? A second rainbow an hour later, the faint leg standing briefly on our sacred mountain.

A walk along Nyambaga Bindarray and watching a family of Sooty Oystercatchers,  the youngster watching his parent both devour oysters from the rocks. There are a couple of Pied Oystercatchers on the sand island opposite and two more Sooties on Wellington Island. An Osprey flows north and Galahs are making a racket as they feed above our heads in the Horsetail Casuarinas.

And chocolates and book on Hokusai and one with details of Woodstock, I didn’t realise there were so many bands who never made it onto the record or film. Dinner with friends tonight.

Young Sooty with grey legs in front.
Darter with a Luderick

‘Two men take corpse into Irish post office to claim dead man’s pension, Deceased man ‘propped up’ by two men as they walked into the building in County Carlow on Friday morning. Guardian, 23 1 22’.

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