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Bimblebox art project -saving biodiversity, no to huge new coal mines

Bimblebox art project – saving biodiversity, no to huge new coal mines

A more recent project which I was involved in Tern Up 

Bimblebox Nature Refuge is a peaceful 8000 hectare sanctuary in central west Queensland. It’s located approximately 30km north west of the town of Alpha. Bimblebox Nature Refuge is under threat from a massive open cut coal mine, one of many coal mines proposed for the Galilee Basin.

Bimblebox 153 Birds () is a unique art project.  Bimblebox 153 Birds represents and gives voice to the unique grouping of birdlife species currently thriving on the Bimblebox Nature Refuge.  If Waratah Coal’s China First coalmine is developed over the Bimblebox Nature Refuge, this wildlife haven will be almost completely destroyed.  Those birds that survive the direct habitat loss would face fierce competition for the resources with birds in other habitats, resulting in further decline of birdlife.  For many of the species finding a compatible habitat nearby would be impossible.

Wyn has a poem and I have a poem: Oriolus sagittatus  –  Olive-backed Oriole

The disciples ignored the Dead-Sea Sparrows and Black Francolins when Jesus walked on water in the shallow Sea of Galilee, and they missed the hundred thousand cranes migrating overhead and miracle of a rare Golden Oriole flying by. Our sea of Galilee is an ancient parched Permian basin in imminent danger of losing its life through deep incisions.

A few weeks back I found a nest trailing yellowed strands of grass, messy compared to a robin’s tightly woven build below. The overhanging tail belonged to an Olive-backed Oriole, but when the sun hit its back, I could swear the feathers shone emerald. Her mate carefully plucked the last red fruit as frenzied Figbird cousins scoured a nearby Scentless Rosewood. They appeared to brook no nonsense; after all, birds are simply dinosaurs attempting to survive.

I love their fluid warble, a tin whistle with a wooden pea, musical but without extravagance, a fast waltz of G sharp quavers, stressed on the third beat, repeated a little flat. Right now, in a Bloodwood outside my window, an oriole is singing

                                                                                    Valla Beach, December 2014

 ‘The Alpha Coal project would produce 30 Mt per annum, but this would not be the largest in the new basin. It is anticipatedAdani’s Carmichael mine could produce around 60 Mt of coal every year, for up to 150 years. Altogether, if all the current proposed mines in the Galilee Basin go ahead, a total of more than 300 Mt of coal will be dug out of the area every year. That would amount to an increase of Queensland’s coal production by around 150%…

…The likely climate impacts from the opening of the Galilee Basin are both significant and are currently unaccounted for in Australia’s assessment and approval processes. If all the projects go ahead, the annual emissions from burning Galilee Basin coal would amount to around 130% of Australia’s current total annual emissions. It’s enough to make you question our governments’ commitment to cutting global emissions.” Sonya Duus

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