
Art in Sydney, Street & Gallery

Bai Yiluo, Spring and Autumn 1_1 (2007), White Rabbit
Bai Yiluo, Spring and Autumn 1_1 (2007), White Rabbit

Art in Sydney, Street & Gallery

from COMMUNE, White Rabbit’s fifth-anniversary exhibition

This tree stands at then end as you walk in. It is a tree of farming tools, new and used, perhaps a tribute to the peasant farmers . I met the hospitable Phil in the library who told me Bai has been Ai Weiwei’s studio assistant for a year, and the use of ready made things is shared.

Bai Yiluo, Spring and Autumn 1 (2007), White Rabbit

It is an impressive piece, working from whatever angle you look.

Bai Yiluo, Spring and Autumn 1_2 (2007), White Rabbit

He worked in a  factory in Luoyang like his parents but thought there must be more to life and bought a camera, from that beginning he made some extraordinary performance pieces and then met  Ai Weiwei. ‘The artist says he wanted to give life to the rusting rakes, hoes and pitchforks, and reflect on the ways in which human civilisation both shapes the natural world and is shaped by it.’ (White Rabbit).

Bai Yiluo, Spring and Autumn 1_3 (2007), White Rabbit

Previous works I have seen by him here are: Recycling (2008)  a massive coloured anatomical model of a heart sits on a garbage collector’s tricycle cart – what is the value of love?  For Illumination (2012), Bai Yiluo spent four years collecting obsolete oil lamps of all shapes and sizes, what is the value of light, and what is its cost?

Bai Yiluo, Spring and Autumn 1_4 (2007), White Rabbit

The city is a vibrant place and vibrating, much busier than when we left just over four years ago, and so many blocks of units going up everywhere, but it’s full of life inside the walls and outside.

Painting St Peters
Young street artists, St Peters

I asked them how they knew which wall space was free and appropriate for them to use. They just said respect for the elders, a very Koori phrase.

Painting St Peters_3
Painting St Peters_2

Painting St Peters_1


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