
Waiting for the world in colour, Day 1

Waiting for the world in colour, Day 1

March 2021. Rain and floods – Gumbaynggirr Country
Total in 5 days 716 mm = 28.2 inches of rain.


325 mms of rain fell (12.8 inches)This house opens up 360 degrees, now blanked,
the windows are crying, heaven has loosened its bladder. The fly screens surface tense moiré. We are taking turns
to bail. With no waterproofs, I get soaked in my underpants
dry off, change, and half-an-hour am out again.
Wyn always more practical has started to cut a channel
through the orchard to relieve water building up, and about
to spill into her study. I deepen it- cutting though the clay
between the orange, lime and lemon trees.

Attention suckles on the news, flooding south, rivers
spilling, cows lost, homes lost, tragic news, dramatic
footage the natural is unnatural, always surprising eventually


The Nambucca River is at 10.10 metres with significant flooding . . . NSW SES have issued a flood warning for the Nambucca River; flooding is possible at Macksville and also at Bowraville. Based on the Bureau of Meteorology’s prediction, it is expected dangerous floodwaters might impact some areas. Residents of low-lying areas near the river should keep an active watch on the flood waters. Keep in contact with your neighbours. Never walk, drive, play or ride through floodwaters. If it’s flooded, forget it. Motorists should avoid driving through flood waters, which may have washed away road surfaces and could be deeper or faster-flowing than they look.


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