
Australia’s first Great Glossy Count, 26 March

We were allocated the Valla Nature Reserve to look for Glossy Black-Cockatoos and their chewings – saw neither. (See below for video of the birds). We did see over 150 food trees (of two species of casuarina in this area). They are very fussy eaters, which might contribute to their endangered status. The big bushfires have been a big factor in their decline,

We spent over two hours in leech infested bush. There has been so much rain that the lack of chewings is not surprising. (Chewings or orts are Glossy Black-Cockatoos’ left-overs after they feed on the seeds.

Chtonobdella whitmani, a common leech in northern NSW /Qld. We have over 100 leech species in Australia. Land leeches are found in rainforests found around the Indo-Pacific, elsewhere in the world they only live in water.
Male and female food trees
Miilba’s second mouth, a gap in the rain
Eastern Greys, not what we were looking for

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