The magic of birds ~ recent photographs – November
And it’s not just their visual beauty . . . the dawn chorus is awesome in late spring and probably good for you.
‘Birdsong is one of the most distinctive sounds from the natural world and gives us a warm glow inside when we hear it. We’re all attuned to the need to eat five fruit and vegetables a day or take a 30-minute walk. Taking the time out to listen to five minutes of birdsong every day could be as beneficial to our well-being.’ Peter Brash, an ecologist with the National Trust, UK.

These eagles follow inland river systems and are found across the south, from India to southern China, South-East Asia, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea. On our coastline they are not as common as Ospreys or Brahminy Kites.

These birds are garrulous but slightly less noisy than the larger Rainbow Lorikeets, which bully them. They enjoy our garden in late spring. When they fly their flaming orange underwing is revealed.

Taken from our balcony. They are often flying by calling, especially when the weather is changing. Some call them storm birds.’

They are monogamous, and both parents incubate their three to four eggs.

First described by the German naturalist Martin Lichtenstein in 1818.

Or ‘Rufous Night Heron’ – I’ve no idea why they are called Night but Nankeen comes from the colour of nankeen, a cotton cloth imported from China in the 19th century.

Kookaburras have extraordinary vision. Each eye has two foveas (we have one), one for front binocular vision, and the other for peripheral. There;’s much more to it – see chap 3 Sarah Legge, Kookaburra: King of the Bush (Australian Natural History Series), 2004.