
23 Dec. In search of an authentic Christian Christmas in Pakistan

23 Dec. In search of an authentic Christian Christmas in Pakistan: an epic two day journey across the country in search of a drink

‘This is an emergency – I need to speak to someone.’ It was late in the morning of December 23 1978. I was in Rawalpindi on the phone to the British Embassy . . .

Emergencies are relative. There’s the Chicxulub asteroid that smashed into the Yucatan 66 million years ago, delivering the equivalent of 900 billion Hiroshima-sized atomic bombs, and ending the reign of the dinosaurs. Then there’s COVID-19 which has killed over 1.8 million people up to 23rd December 2020.

And then there’s four young backpackers on their way around the world without a care in the world (except anxious to obtain alcohol for traditional Christmas celebrations). This MP3 is the true story of that emergency.

I am posing with with festive balloons. Sue is cooking Xmas lunch (Ethel, the toughest chicken in Christendom) and Mick is reading. Photo by Dave Longbottom.

Recording and sound design by John Laidler.


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