


Jonno Webb was staying with us en route to a conference on quolls. He is an expert who has been working on the Northern Quoll which has been suffering from the cane toad. He is teaching the small marsupial carnivores to avoid eating the toad by feeding non-lethal amounts of toad. It is hoped that these quolls will teach their offspring to avoid live cane toads in the wild.

His daughter Kalena spotted a snake in Jagun, which in three years we have failed to do.

Kalena and dad
Kalena, snake spotter, with her father Dr Jonno Webb, herpetologist, Valla

Wyn and I saw saw a brood of young ones chasing each other in the funnel of an old steam locamotive, in the heart of Cape York. We were searching for Bennett’s Tree Kangaroo at the time.

quoll home, Cape York
Quoll home, Cape York


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