Koala Action Day, Valla
May 2, 10am. Valla Reserve (where the markets are)
VBCA and Nambucca Valley Council are organising a Koala Action Day. It’s free and there’s music, a free sausage sizzle and much more.
Koalas need our help after these catastrophic bushfires. Help us plant a koala food tree garden in the reserve. Come and find out about these unique creatures and meet a trained koala sniffer dog.
There will be workshops, information stands by the Great Koala National Park, Landcare and other NGOs.

There is also a literary competition free to enter and with cash prizes. The winners will be invited to read their work on the day.
There will be Koala food trees free for landowners in appropriate areas, and you can sign up for a tree planting day at a later date.
For more information contact: John Bennett, frogdownstairs@gmail.com