
Back home new residents in the garden

Back home new residents in the garden

A garden is always changing, insects, birds and other animals move in, move off, pass through, the seasons, rainfall, one’s attempts at improving or just managing the garden varies with levels of energy and enthusiasm. My mantra of an untidy garden to help biodiversity is slowly happening as our garden grows from nothing. If we own a piece of land, we are caretakers, the land will exists for a very very long time, we won’t, so we inherit an ecological responsibility.

Eastern Spinebill, Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris


Eastern Spinebill, a honeyeater

A skiddadle of white in the bushes is from the outer tail feathers, then it perches in full view curious, then it’s off feeding, one of the few Australian birds that hovers.

Jagun midwinter
Jagun midwinter
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