
The lives of Oystercatchers, 28 May, Nyambaga

‘One study of 1,000 people conducted by Forza Supplements found that the best time to have sex is about 7:30 a.m., about 45 minutes after the optimal time to wake up to achieve a perfectly tuned-up body clock.

Nyambaga River (Nambucca Heads)

This pair were at it 7.53, over in a couple of seconds.

This photograph was taken mere seconds after the act. Luckily, they can tell gender. May is an early start for Oystercatchers breeding. The temperature is seven degrees

Another pair were below us on the small beach we first swam at when we moved here.

This is one of them as Catherine performing Monty P’s version of Wuthering Heights with semaphore flags.

After the performance, a good bath’

A couple of Sooty Oystercatchers flew by.

Being human means I have lost the art of flying, have lost the excitement of probing for breakfast among the oyster beds


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