
National Bird Week

National Bird Week

Oct 21st – Backyard Bird Count starts today. It’s 20 minute count (of species and numbers) for the next 5 days. We need to know what we have (and what we are missing) – good old ‘citizen science’.

Last month the ABC  warned, ‘Bird populations are collapsing, and it’s a sign of a bigger problem.’

Today we were on our top deck on the edge of the forest. Results as follows:

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos, 12; Galah, 7; Rainbow Lorikeet, 8; Scaly-breasted Lorikeet, 12; Musk Lorikeet, 2; Sacred Kingfisher,1 ; Noisy Minor, 6; Noisy Friarbird,4; Little Wattlebird, 2; Satin Bowerbird, 2; Pied Butcherbird, 3 (and one on nest).    

The King Parrots and Galahs appeared in our large wattle just feet away, ten minutes afterwards!

Oct 22nd top deck, 9.35 am:

Rainbow Lorikeet, 7 (2 feeding young in bole); Scaly-breasted Lorikeet, 5; Musk Lorikeet, 2; Sacred Kingfisher, 1; Noisy Minor,4 (one on nest); Noisy Friarbird, 5; Little Wattlebird, 2; Pied Butcherbird, 4 (one on nest); Cicada bird, 1; Fan-tailed Cuckoo, 1; Rufous Whistler, 1; Kookaburra, 3; Satin Bowerbird, 1; Crested Pigeon,1; Scarlet Honeyeater, 1; 

Oct 23rd top deck, 2.20pm

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, 2; Rainbow Lorikeet, 5; Scaly-breasted Lorikeet, 7; Little Lorikeet, 3; King Parrot, 1; Eastern Rosella, 2; Noisy Minor, 1; Noisy Friarbird, 2; Little Wattlebird, 2; Pied Butcherbird, 2; Rufous Whistler, 1; Kookaburra, 1; Satin Bowerbird, 1.

Oct 24th top deck, 4.20pm

Rainbow Lorikeet, 11; Scaly-breasted Lorikeet, 15; King Parrot, 3; Galah, 1; Musk Lorikeet, 2; Little Lorikeet, 3; Noisy Minor,12; Noisy Friarbird, 5; Little Wattlebird, 2; Kookaburra, 1; Satin Bowerbird, 1; Magpie,1; Peewee, 1; Whipbird, 1;  

Oct 25th top deck, 6.25am

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, 7; Rainbow Lorikeet, 13; Scaly-breasted Lorikeet, 43; Galah, 14; Noisy Minor, 4; Noisy Friarbird, 4; Little Wattlebird, 4; Pied Butcherbird, 3; Rufous Whistler, 1; Kookaburra, 1.

Oct 26th top deck, 8.25am

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, 2; Rainbow Lorikeet, 2; Scaly-breasted Lorikeet, 2; Little Lorikeet, 2; Eastern Rosella, 3; Galahs, 3; Noisy Minor,2; Noisy Friarbird, 1; Pied Butcherbird, 4 (two mating on the nest); Rufous Whistler, 1; Kookaburra, 1; Satin Bowerbird, 1; Crested Pigeon,2; Whipbird, 1.

Oct 27th top deck, 7.10am

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, 2; Rainbow Lorikeet, 10; Scaly-breasted Lorikeet, 12; Little Lorikeet, 12; Galah, 9; Noisy Minor, 4; Pied Butcherbird, 2; Currawong, 1; Dollarbird, 1; Rufous Whistler, 1; Whipbird, 4; Crested Pigeon,4; Wonga Pigeon, 1; Pied Cormorant, 1.

Just afterwards 42 Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos flew overhead.

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